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Louisbourg/Harbour Area, 1745, Fine
Map, Louisbourg/Harbour Area, 1745, parchment or laid paper (specify)
Ft. Ascension/Massac, 1745, Bond
Map, Ft. Ascension/Massac, 1745, bond
Ft. Ascension/Massac, 1745, Fine
Map, Ft. Ascension/Massac, 1745, parchment or laid paper (specify)
Ft. Rosalie, 1750, Bond
Map, Ft. Rosalie, 1750, bond
Ft. Rosalie, 1750, parchment, Fine
Map, Ft. Rosalie, 1750, parchment or laid paper (specify)
Map, Ft. Beausejour/area, 1755, bond
Map, Ft. Beausejour/area, 1755, bond
FF-7551P Ft. Beausejour/area, 1755
Map, Ft. Beausejour/area, 1755, parchment
Map, L. Champlain/Albany to Ft. Richelieu, Franquet, 1758, bond
Map, L. Champlain/Albany to Ft. Richelieu, Franquet, 1758, bond
FF-7581P L. Champlain/Albany to Ft.
Map, L. Champlain/Albany to Ft. Richelieu, Franquet, 1758, parchment
Map, Ft. Ticonderoga Plan, 1759, bond
Map, Ft. Ticonderoga Plan, 1759, bond
FF-7591P Ft. Ticonderoga Plan, 1759
Map, Ft. Ticonderoga Plan, 1759, parchment
Map, Isle Aux Noix, 1760, bond
Map, Isle Aux Noix, 1760, bond
Map, Isle Aux Noix, 1760, parchment
Map, Isle Aux Noix, 1760, parchment
Map, La Presentation, 1760, bond
Map, La Presentation, 1760, bond
FF-7602P La Presentation, 1760
Map, La Presentation, 1760, parchment
Map, Ft. St. Jean, 1760, bond
Map, Ft. St. Jean, 1760, bond
Map, Ft. St. Jean, 1760, parchment
Map, Ft. St. Jean, 1760, parchment
Map, Ft. Frontenac, 1763, bond
Map, Ft. Frontenac, 1763, bond
Map, Ft. Frontenac, 1763, parchment
Map, Ft. Frontenac, 1763, parchment
FF-7641B Ft. Detroit/area, 1764
Map, Ft. Detroit/area, 1764, bond
FF-7641 P Ft. Detroit/area, 1764
Map, Ft. Detroit/area, 1764, parchment
Map of Virginia/Smith, late 16th c., bond
Map of Virginia/Smith, late 16th c., bond
RB-151 P Virgina/Smith, late 16th c
Map of Virgina/Smith, late 16th c., parchment
RB-6461 B Virginia,1645 bond
Map, Virginia,1645, bond
RB-6461P Virginia,1645
Map, Virginia,1645, parchment
RB-6981 Pennsylvania/W.Jersey, Lea
Map, Pennsylvania/W.Jersey, Lea, 1698, bond
RB-6981P Pennsylvania/W.Jerey,1698
Map, Pennsylvania/W.Jerey, Lea, 1698, parchment
RB-7301B Map of the Five Nations
Map of the Five Nations, Colden, 1730, bond
RB-7301P Map of the Five Nations
Map of the Five Nations, Colden, 1730, Parchment
Map, New England, 1730, bond
Map, New England, 1730, bond
RB-7302P New England, 1730
Map, New England, 1730, parchment
RB-7331B Southeastern Colonies,1731
Map, Southeastern Colonies, 1731, bond
RB-7331P Southeastern Colonies,1731
Map, Southeastern Colonies, 1731, parchment
RB-7381 B Virginia/Maryland, 1738
Map, Virginia/Maryland, 1738, bond
RB-7381P Virginia/Maryland, 1738
Map, Virginia/Maryland, 1738, parchment
RB-7421B South Carolina, 1742
Map, South Carolina, 1742, bond
RB-7421 P Map, South Carolina, 1742
Map, South Carolina, 1742, parchment
RB-7431B SE Coast-Charleston-St.Aug
Map, S.E. Coast-Charleston to St. Augustine, 1743, bond
RB-7431 P S.E. Coast-Charleston to
Map, S.E. Coast-Charleston to St. Augustine, 1743, parchment
Map, Georgia/St. Simon's Island, 1745, bond
Map, Georgia/St. Simon's Island, 1745, bond
Map, Georgia/St. Simon's Island, 1745, parchment
Map, Georgia/St. Simon's Island, 1745, parchment
RB-7541B Alleghanies->LeBouef, 1754
Map, Alleghanies to LeBouef, Washington, 1754, bond
RB-7541P Alleghanies to LeBouef
Map, Alleghanies to LeBouef, Washington, 1754, parchment
Map, Ohio valley/S. Great Lakes, Washington, 1754, bond
Map, Ohio valley/S. Great Lakes, Washington, 1754, bond
RB-7542P Ohio Valley/S. Great Lakes
Map, Ohio Valley/S. Great Lakes, Washington, 1754, parchment